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What happens to a company town when the company suddenly leaves?



This project exists as an effort to explore the foundation behind the determination and topophilia of the residents of Potlatch, Idaho. Instead of looking to the demographic of its contemporary community, it turns its lens to the town's founding to consider how its inception as a company town managed by William Deary and The Weyerhaeuser Conglomerate, has shaped a lasting legacy of hard work and community engagement that has enabled its survival beyond the life of the company. 


It maps the history of the former company town from the inception of the lumber industry on the Palouse River to the closure of the Potlatch Lumber Company's mill site in the town of Potlatch. It also explores the motivations and character of Deary, whose innovative and enterprising vision for the town shaped its community from 1905 to today., both geographically (below) and ideologically.

Potlatch, Idaho: Deary's Vision to Now​



Deed to Potlatch Lumber Co. Mill Site - Drawn by William Deary, 1905

Satellite image of Potlatch, Idaho - April 2018

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